Program History

Bryn Mawr College has a long history of excellence in STEM. In 1998, the College was one of only eight institutions nationwide to receive the NSF/Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring. This award recognized the College’s extraordinary success in encouraging and training women in physics. In 2003, the National Task Force on Undergraduate Physics chose Bryn Mawr as one of 21 institutions with an exemplary and thriving physics department. With the intent to build on this tradition of inclusive STEM practices and STEM education, the STEMLA program began in the summer of 2021.

My favorite part about STEMLA was meeting the people who have now become my closest friends at college.


-Joelle Wise '28

At the core of the STEMLA program is the immersive summer experience, where selected STEMLA Fellows partake in a four-week program meant to introduce them to both the College and Bryn Mawr’s many STEM majors. The STEMLA program welcomed its inaugural cohort of 19 Fellows in the summer of 2021. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the STEMLA Summer Program was held remotely. In the summer of 2022, the program welcomed its first in-person cohort of 18 Fellows to Bryn Mawr's campus.

Today, the program continues to thrive and currently comprises 74 active STEMLA Fellows. 

Fellows tour the greenhouse
Members of the inaugural STEMLA cohort on a tour through Professor Tom Mozdzer's greenhouse.

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