360° - Theater Stories

Image of a painting depicting the battle of Germantown

360°: Revolutions

How do different kinds of revolutions feed one another? How do art, culture and politics work together to form and normalize or defang the radicalism of the new order?

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360 Performance Across Language and Cultures

360°: Performance Across Language and Culture

A series of international festivals such as the Globe to Globe Cultural Olympiad in London in 2012 has raised the visibility of cross-language productions, yielding a messy but rich trove of reception records in social media, scholarship, and reviews. This 360 takes a close look at these phenomena, asking students to engage it as performers, audience members, teachers, and scholars – studying and experimenting with multilingual and vernacular stagings.

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360 students in Iceland

360°: Shakespeare in Global and Local Landscapes

In this cluster we approach Shakespeare as both a way of responding creatively to the contemporary world and as a way to create community and a context for learning.

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