360° - Political Science Stories

A night view of bridges in Seoul

360°: K-Power

South Korea’s Rise from Ashes to Icons

This cluster explores three key dimensions of South Korea: Might (its politics, military, and diplomacy), Money (its economy), and Minds (its culture).

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Tree with two different environments

360°: Science, Power, and Truth

How can we use science to respond to the criticisms of those in power that might disagree with our fundamental assumptions about the reliability of scientific facts?

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A stone wall with line drawings of figures on the left side of the frame; a row of 6 students and faculty on the right side of the frame observe and read a plaque about the art under a blue sky.

360°: Europe from the Margins

What does Europe look like from the perspectives of those whose voices are usually missing from mainstream narratives – the disempowered, queers, migrant laborers, artists, refugees, and people from Europe’s eastern and southern peripheries?

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Photograph of Cahokia, showing pathways around two hills with woods in the foreground.

360°: Origins of Freedom

How might human beings live according to nature? Is property natural? Is freedom or unfreedom? How can studying human societies in the past inform collective organization in the present?

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Four people stand in the foreground of a glacier lake

360°: Energy Afterlives

What comes in the wake of energy extraction? This cluster will examine the afterlives of coal, oil, and nuclear energy through the lenses of the arts, political science, and earth science.

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Book with folded pages

360°: Arts of Resistance

This cluster of three courses is about the constraints and agency of individual actors in social spaces, with a particular focus on the institutional settings of colleges and prisons and the “critical spaces” that can open up within them.

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Students and faculty from the 360° Climate Change: Science and Politics course cluster.

360°: Climate Change

Integrating Literary, Scientific, and Political Perspectives

This cluster integrates literary, scientific, and policy perspectives to highlight both the complexity of climate change and the many innovative ideas being developed to address it worldwide.

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Student taking a photo from a balcony

360°: Contemporary Cuban Culture and Society in a Global Context

This cluster brings together students and faculty to understand a country whose past and future are bound up deeply with the United States and the rest of Latin America even as it has charted very different courses within contemporary history and social policy.

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