360° - History Stories

360°: Revolutions
How do different kinds of revolutions feed one another? How do art, culture and politics work together to form and normalize or defang the radicalism of the new order?

360°: Feminisms in Latin America
As part of a genealogy of feminisms within the Global South, feminisms in Latin America have critically engaged with mainstream euro-centric feminist debates but also contributed theoretical, political, epistemological, and socio-cultural approaches and tools to identify, examine, interrogate, contest, and dismantle structural oppressions.

360°: Struggles for Global Health Equity
This 360° aims to help students begin to understand both significant problems of and promising approaches to the practice–and study–of community health promotion.

360°: The Transforming Legacy of Oil
This 360° combines courses from Growth and Structure of Cities, Economics, and History to assess how oil has affected our built environment as well as local and global economies.

360°: Foodways and Migration
This 360° uses the frameworks of history, cultural studies, and archeology to examine the relationship between foodways and migration.

360°: The Mediterranean as a Crossroads: History, Migrations, Identities
This 360°, composed of courses in History and French, examines the social, historical, artistic and cultural shape of the Mediterranean through the study of circum-Mediterranean port-cities and their populations.

360°: Europe from the Margins
What does Europe look like from the perspectives of those whose voices are usually missing from mainstream narratives – the disempowered, queers, migrant laborers, artists, refugees, and people from Europe’s eastern and southern peripheries?

360°: African Traditions
Students will explore the ways in which African societies are trying to overcome colonial legacies, promote well-being, and contribute to fashioning our interconnected world.

360°: Changing Education
Changing Education, the first 360° offering at Bryn Mawr, is inspired by the College's 125th anniversary in 2010-11.

360°: Migrations
This 360° uses the lenses of cultural studies, history, and sociology to critically and comparatively examine migration in different national contexts and historical moments.