360° - German and German Studies Stories

360°: The Last Days of Habsburg: Vienna 1900 and the End of an Empire

360°: The Last Days of Habsburg

This 360˚ is an integrated two-credit seminar which is interdisciplinary in nature. Participants study works of art, architecture, design, literature, psychoanalysis, and pseudoscience.

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A stone wall with line drawings of figures on the left side of the frame; a row of 6 students and faculty on the right side of the frame observe and read a plaque about the art under a blue sky.

360°: Europe from the Margins

What does Europe look like from the perspectives of those whose voices are usually missing from mainstream narratives – the disempowered, queers, migrant laborers, artists, refugees, and people from Europe’s eastern and southern peripheries?

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Students and faculty from the 360° Climate Change: Science and Politics course cluster.

360°: Climate Change

Integrating Literary, Scientific, and Political Perspectives

This cluster integrates literary, scientific, and policy perspectives to highlight both the complexity of climate change and the many innovative ideas being developed to address it worldwide.

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